HOME EXPLORATION HOME EXPLORATION HOME EXPLORATION WEEK 1 : The Felt Sense & Language of Sensation WEEK 2 : Understanding Trauma, Stress & The Nervous System WEEK 3: Pendulating & Orienting WEEK 4: Introduction to Poly Vagal Theory WEEK 5: Personal Profile Map WEEK 6: Triggers and Glimmers WEEK 7 & 8: INTEGRATION WEEKS WEEK 9: Resourcing and Regulation WEEK 10: Check In WEEK 11: Self-inquiry WEEK 12: Food: Self Awareness Journal WEEK 13: The Somatic Studio WEEK 15: Somatically Experiencing Food & Exploring URGE WEEK 16: GUILT-FREE & GUILT-FULL FOODS WEEK 17: EXPLORING BOUNDARIES SOMATICALLY WEEK 18: NON-LINEAR MOVEMENT WEEK 19 & 20Conscious pause ON HOME EXPLORATIONS. WEEK 21 THE COMPASSIONATE LOVER WEEK 23 THE FAWN RESPONSE WEEK 25 THE INNER REBEL WEEK 27 CLOSING & INTEGRATION