I just want to remind you here that we are not working with ‘urge’ with a goal to not reach for the food. That’s not our intention here. We are simply, becoming curious and through that receiving information about our bodies needs in that moment.
Notice, name and acknowledge that there is an urge to reach for food. Remember the power of awareness and how it opens up the opportunity for us to choose & interact.
Where do you notice ‘THE URGE’ in your body?
How does it feel? What’s the shape? Texture?
How’s your breath in this moment?
Is there any tightness in your body, is yes, where?
Is there any movement, internally or externally? If so, where and what’s the speed?
With your awareness on this part of your body, I invite you to speak the words …
“Hello, I see you. You belong here. And I’m right here with you”
Is there emotion present? If so, can you name it?
How is that emotion wanting to be expressed? Tears? Laughter? Through growling? Shouting? Crying?
Now get curious here - what does this part of you need?
The need for space? To open up and be stretched? To move and shake? To be contained, touched and protected? Is there a need for comfort, softness and gentleness? Or a need for active movement?
Offer you body what it’s asking for here.
Hows the urge now? Is it the same? Has it increased? Decreased?
Did you have a need for comfort and you knew the food was going to offer you that? Or did you notice that there was physical hunger and you actually needed a different kind of food?
Whatever the outcome, whatever you move to next, just know, that you took a pause today, to be with and notice that urge. That’s a huge step.
Is there anything else / more you need in this moment to resource?
As always, if you have any questions & need any support - I’ll be in the Telegram group.
Alex X